Event Setup Form

Please Note - This form is for Promoters and Organization Executives only. If you are an Athlete, Event Sponsor or Spectator, please contact Promoters directly via the contact information made available on their event website

Thank you for your interest in Muscleware, and welcome to the Muscleware Event Setup Form!

Please fill out as much of the form as possible. Most of (though not all) of the below configuration settings can be changed as necessary throughout the online registration period, so if you're not sure of all of the details at the moment, that's not a problem.
General Event Information
* Organization  
* Promoter Name  
Promotion Company Name (If applicable)
* Phone Number  
* Email  
Event Poster (PDF, JPG or PNG)
  Please Note - Event Poster must be in PDF, JPG or PNG format.

If you do not upload a poster/flyer, a generic "Poster Coming Soon" image will be displayed on your forms, transaction summary pages, receipt pages, confirmation emails, etc.

All of these pages will be updated once we have your poster, so please email it to us as soon as you have it!

* Name of Event  
* Date of Event  
* Location of Event  
* Time Zone  
Host Hotel Name  
* Event Website URL  
* Event Email (For Athlete Inquiries)
* Event Currency  
* Primary Language  
  Muscleware offers a multi-language athlete-facing experience, and events can even offer multiple languages simultaneously. English is always maintained on the back-end, allowing the Muscleware Promoter's Portal and the Muscleware Statistician desktop software to remain in English.

Above, please specify the *primary* language of the event, with respect to the athletes and spectators.

Athlete Registrations
Natural (Drug Tested) Event  
Pro-Qualifying Event  
Registrations Payment Gateway  
  Please see Muscleware Payments Information for more information on supported payment types.

If you would like to use a combination of payment types, and/or "Manual/External Payments", please indicate in the "Additional Notes / Comments" field at the bottom of this form and we will contact you for more information.

PayPal Account Email  
PayPal Account Type  
Razorpay API ID  
Razorpay API Secret  
Location ID  
Personal Access Token  
Publishable API Key  
Secret API Key  
Public API Key  
Secret API Key  
Payment Page ID  
Transaction Key  
  Instructions for how to obtain this information: Muscleware Payments Information.
General Class Information  
Please paste your class list below *IN THE ORDER THE CLASSES APPEAR ON STAGE*

You will have an opportunity to preview your registration form prior to live launch, where you may instruct Muscleware to make any necessary "tweaks".

Specify all classes you anticipate to have at your event explictly, *including a count of height/weight classes per category*. Detailed height/weight breakdowns will be determined per NPC specification.

Classes can later be split/combined at the check-ins as necessary, of course.

Offering specific class selections on registration forms to drive various features and minimize the workload of the Statistician at the check-ins. This information also powers the Category/Class entry breakdowns in the Promoter's Portal.

NOTE: If your class list is the same as a previous event, please feel free to simply specify "same as", and the previous event name!

Registration Fees  
Indicate class registration fee structure. Fee structure can be as simple or as complex as required for your event.

For instance, it may be that each class entry is X fee. Or if more granularity is required, X fee for each non-open class, Y fee for each open class, Z fee for additional/crossover classes, etc. Muscleware can accommodate virtually any fee structure. Please include any required sales taxes (%) and/or processing/service fees you wish to collect.

Note that payment gateway transaction fees are subject to the fee schedule and terms & conditions of your chosen payment gateway provider and account type - Muscleware does not cover these fees on your behalf.
Registration Fees  
Custom Form Fields  
Muscleware can configure custom form fields to capture additional data during the online registration process (for instance, trainer, gym, Instagram account, etc.). Below, please describe any such field(s) and also indicate whether or not it will be mandatory for the Athlete to fill in values for these field(s).
Custom Form Fields  
'Add-on' Purchases  
Muscleware can offer athletes 'Add-On' purchases at the time of registration. For instance, event merchandise, additional products, services, etc.

If you wish to use this feature, please indicate each 'Add-On' item, fees, and any required sales taxes (%) and/or processing/service fees you wish to collect.

Note that payment gateway transaction fees are subject to the fee schedule and terms & conditions of your chosen payment gateway provider and account type - Muscleware does not cover these fees on your behalf.
'Add-On' Purchase Information  
Ticket Sales   (if using Muscleware for Ticket Sales)
Ticket Sales Payment Gateway  
  Please see Muscleware Payments Information for more information on supported payment types.

If you would like to use a combination of payment types, and/or "Manual/External Payments", please indicate in the "Additional Notes / Comments" field at the bottom of this form and we will contact you.

PayPal Account Email  
PayPal Account Type  
Razorpay API ID  
Razorpay API Secret  
Location ID  
Personal Access Token  
Publishable API Key  
Secret API Key  
Public API Key  
Secret API Key  
Payment Page ID  
Transaction Key  
  Instructions for how to obtain this information: Muscleware Payments Information.
Ticket Fees  
Indicate Ticket types and fees. Please include any required sales taxes (%) and/or processing/service fees you wish to collect. Muscleware can accommodate Promo/Discount codes for tickets as well, either by exact value or percentage discount off of total.

Note that payment gateway transaction fees are subject to the fee schedule and terms & conditions of your chosen payment gateway provider and account type - Muscleware does not cover these fees on your behalf.
Tickets & Fees  
Additional Features
  For important announcements, schedule changes, etc., The Muscleware Athlete Notifications mobile app (currently available for free in both the Apple App Store and Google Play store) lists all current events. The app can be downloaded by Athletes or spectators on any Apple/iOS or Android device, and they can "Subscribe" to your event for live notifications. Promoters (and/or delegates of Promoters) are given special access to write and send out live notifications by way of a secure link from their own mobile phone.

  Muscleware offers a facility for Sponsors to apply for your event sponsorship packages via online forms including digital signatures. Applications can be reviewed in the Muscleware Promoter's Portal and approved or denied by Promoters. Additionally, promoters can indicate when particular packages are "Sold Out", making them unavailable to apply for.

  Muscleware provides additional income opportunities for Promoters via innovative Email Advertising solutions for Sponsors, putting their product or service in front of the eyes of athletes *before* the event - not just the day of. For more information, see Muscleware Sponsor Advertising Opportunity.

  When events are open to International competitors, it's sometimes helpful for athletes to include a written letter from the Promoter with their application to enter the country. To save Promoters time, Muscleware can automatically generate these letters on demand. The letters are digitally signed, printed by the athlete and archived in your Promoter's Portal for your records.


If "Additional Features" are selected (other than the Athlete Notifications Mobile App), you will be contacted by Muscleware for additional configuration information.
Additional Notes / Comments
Notes (any additional comments)

* 3 + 2 =    (PLEASE ENTER ANSWER)